Student Demographics:
68% Female
32% Native American
21% Hispanic
73% NM Residents
30% Full-Time Students
Funding-Instruction & General Unrestricted:
43.6% NM State Appropriations
27.8% Local Appropriations
18.2% Tuition & Fees
10.4% Other
Graduation Numbers:
2021: Actual 1,175; Target 1,075
2022: Actual 1,557; Target 1,234
7.8% Annual Increase in Graduates since 2010
We are #1
in the nation among all community colleges for granting certificates of one year or less to Native American Students.
Tuition Rates:
Resident...................$56 per credit
Non-Resident........$178 per credit
Of full-time students have graduated, transferred or are continuing their education.
Workforce Training
3,592 Students Trained